Apocalypse Readiness Assessment

Below, select the percentage score of how well prepared, or self-reliant, you are for each category. For example, if you rely completely on rain and tank water, you are 100% self-reliant in your water usage, but if you rely completely on water supplied by your council you are 0% self-reliant.

If you have neighbours to trade with, water in exchange for food, you might rate yourself higher. But if your solar system is connected to the grid and only functions when connected, you will have to think about rating yourself lower.

1. Housing. How well housed are you? In an apocalypse, can your house allow you to grow food, raise animals, store water, house equipment, keep you safe?

2. Food Security. How much of your current monthly food consumption is produced or traded yourself?

3. Water Security. What percentage of your current monthly water usage comes from a source that is reliable in the event of an apocalypse?

4. Medical Supplies. How well-stocked are you with essential medical supplies and equipment?

5. Communication. How prepared are you in terms of communication equipment that functions off the normal internet to communicate with others during an apocalypse? Can you charge the batteries in these off grid? Can they reach far enough to talk to farmers or other towns?

6. Energy Security. What percentage of your energy needs can be met using alternative energy sources (e.g., off-grid solar, wind) in an apocalypse?

7. Security: How well-prepared are you to defend yourself and your resources in an apocalypse? How integrated are you within a like-minded community or group for defence?

8. Community and Cooperation: How integrated are you within a like-minded community or group for mutual support, trade and cooperation?

9. Skills and Knowledge: How confident are you in your self-reliance survival skills, including foraging, first aid, and resource management?

10. Self-Sufficiency: To what extent are you reducing your dependence on external resources and services?