So far, we have travelled between 3 cities and two day trips. Below is our progress.
Mitchell and I got up at 6:30AM to travel to Barcelona on the Irya high speed train.
The coffee in Spain is vastly different to that of Australia’s. Mitchell got a latte but did not enjoy it. I am still drinking americano’s until I can find a menu I can order from (coffee options hasn’t appeared on any menu I have seen yet in Spain). Once I find a menu I will begin googling options.
Upon arrival, we walked through the city, deciding to visit the castle upon the city hill next to the coast. Before reaching the castle, we stopped at the museum.
We saw multiple artworks within this museum.
Mitchell and I both remember learning about this painting somewhere (high school?). It is a Picasso.
Moving uphill further to the castle called Montjuïc Castle.
The view from the top overlooked the Port of Barcelona. A great industrial area which had both shipping containers and gas tanks for energy storage. Container ships were anchored just off shore.
The castle tonight looked like it was going to lit up as a DJ concert. Food, drinks, music. We had some food.
This festival was due to go through to 2AM, with neon lights lighting up a 17th century castle. Mitchell wanted to stay. But we decided to check in after a few hours.
Then off to check in at Ideal Youth Hostel. On our way we discovered a barber who took care of Mitchell’s growing hair issue for 10€.
This is Mitchell’s first time in a large share room in a hostel. All previous accommodation has been without others in our room.
Made my bed with the sheets provided and blanket already on the bed. Mitchell begged me to make his but I declined.
After checking in, getting a padlock for our locker, we headed for dinner. Taking some photos of Mitchell’s new haircut along the way in Plaza Plaça Reial together wth some other photos of night life.
We took some more photos in the Plaça Reial briefly.
It was very cold tonight, so we headed back go the hostel were we charged our devices in the common area (no plugs in the rooms) and had showers without towels.
I’m so jealous you guys got to see a real Picasso! That would of been incredible!
Loved the photos of Mitch’s new hair cut, where are the poses shots of you tom!? 😅
I’ll have to do more selfies!